3 Simple Steps to Superhuman Productivity

Hey guys, it’s Sri!

Have you ever been in a mental state where you know you should get to work. You know you shouldn’t click on that cat video. You know you should be studying. And yet, your finger just automatically presses play? Yeah, that’s called procrastination. And I’ve talked about this way too many times before (twice, I think). And in both of those posts, I give some real advice about procrastinating. However, this post is different. This post is if you’re in a seriously bad mental space (like I was during my online classes) and you. Just. Can’t. You might as well be a character in The Exorcist because your body refuses to listen to you, and is instead in the clutches of a demon called procrastination.


There will always be times when you’ll have to study for a test on the day your family is going to watch a movie. There will always be days when you’ll have to stay back and work while your friends are all out partying. Everybody has those days, but you’ll have more of them if you’re trying to do something that’s harder than normal, like trying to crack NEET or IIT-JEE or UPSC.

And if you are one of these human beings, you’ll have to make quite a few sacrifices when it comes to your social life. But then again, that’s just part of the job description. Imagine if you do crack one of these exams. You will be in one of the most competitive and stressful jobs ever! And you’ll have to routinely make these sacrifices in order to do the job. Might as well get used to it now, right?

Set deadlines

The evening before a PU test, I’m basically Will Smith. I have a ridiculous, sickening work ethic, primarily because I forgot to study for it. Now, imagine if I had no deadlines for this test? I would be celebrating my eightieth birthday while trying to study fluid mechanics, and I’d still procrastinate, because they got a black forest cake instead of glazed chocolate! That is exactly why, when my self control has decided to go watch Money Heist, I ask my parents to drop me at the library so I don’t have a choice but to study. And this works even if you’re not a stressed out student trying to crack a competitive exam.

Eliminate stress

Stress is one of the most important reasons I procrastinate. And usually, it’s never just one thing – it’s a combination of so many different things that are building upon one another. And so, I’ve made it a point to have a journalling session every Sunday to list out all the things that stressed me out throughout the week so that I can put myself in a position to hustle even better the next week.

Published by Srilalitha

Hey guys, I’m Sri! I was twelve when I decided that the world was boring and needed some of my charm and vibrancy in it. So, I took to blogging. For three whole years, I blogged under random pseudonyms until now, when I decided I was actually experienced enough to blog under my own name.

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